10 Tips on Women’s Health Concerns

Women Health Concerns

Breast cancer is a major problem topping the list of women’s health concerns. Breast exams and mammograms are not the only ways of staying healthy as a woman. Your life needs more than you know in all kinds of faces you experience. The good news is, these problems or concerns are preventable. We have provided you with ways to use in prevention whenever you realize that you are in that dilemma.

10. Heart Disease

Heart Disease – Heart Failure

Have you ever thought of guarding your heart? Cardiovascular or heart disease is a common condition in America that affects one woman in every three women. A high number of deaths is caused by cardiovascular or heart diseases and affects both men and women. You can prevent this condition by watching your diet, doing exercises, avoid smoking and watch your alcohol intake.

9. Women’s Health Concerns – Cancer

Breast cancer affects both men and women and tops the list of health concerns. Many women are concerned about it. However, skin cancer is the most common cancer found in the United States followed by lung, colon and uterine cancers. Most of the women doing angel bites piercing on their body.  You are advised to do a monthly breast self-exam, wear sunscreen, avoid smoking, perform colonoscopy, and visit your doctor when you experience abnormal periods or abdominal problems.

8. Women’s Health Concerns – Stroke

Stroke is a common condition in the United States whereby someone suffers a stroke in every 40 minutes, and an individual dies in every 4 minutes. A high percentage of these deaths happen on women adding up to 60%. The following are stroke warning signs; Face drooping, Arm weakness or numbness and speech problems. Such are the times you call for emergency, 911. You are advised to seek treatment as fast as possible to save the brain function.

7. Diabetes and Obesity

Type 2 diabetes is counted as an epidemic in the United States and affects over 26 million adults half of the cases being women. Obesity is one of the risk factors leading to type 2 diabetes. A third of U.S. adults are obese making it a trend hence that outcome. Men have an equal prevalence in women. If one suffers from both Diabetes and Obesity, chances of increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease also rise. They can be prevented by watching diet and keeping a healthy lifestyle.

6. Osteoporosis

Women ratio of 1:2 experience osteoporosis. This is a silent condition that cannot be noticed easily when it sets off. Women’s bone mass peaks when one gets to 30 years. Bones should be protected as soon as possible to avoid those problems. It is easier to build your bones while you are a teenager to prevent attacks of osteoporosis later on in life. You can do this by ensuring that you have enough intakes of calcium and vitamin D, to strengthen your bones. You can also do weight-bearing exercises.

5. Depression

Depression can be the best interference of your life and can last up to more than a couple of weeks. This condition affects women more as compared to men. Many people end up seeking depression treatment from expects to get better. You can as well as use the following simple ways to get better: doing exercises, dividing large tasks into smaller ones and spending your time with people you trust.

4. Autoimmune Diseases

Watch your immune system before it attacks the healthy tissues in your body. Autoimmune disease can affect all the organ systems in the body. Women are mostly affected by this condition as compared to men. In America, over 30 million women suffer from autoimmune disease. This disease cannot be prevented but can be cured if it is detected as early as possible. Any symptoms experienced should not be ignored at all.

3. Menopause

Any woman who still lives to her late years will experience menopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleeping problems are the most common problems experienced during this period and are not favourable to anyone. The menopausal transition can last up to 12 months after your last period. For an easy experience of menopausal transition, a woman should take care of her health. You can also maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced diet, do a lot of exercises, practice stress management and have frequent visits to your doctor.

2. Family Planning

Family Planning is also a health concern for many women. Ensure that you see your doctor or obstetrician-gynaecologist for advice concerning family planning issues. This is done when you are preventing pregnancy or when you are trying to conceive. This is because it will help to prepare you when you want to conceive or to avoid unwanted pregnancies as much as possible. Do not ignore this to avoid many problems that may affect you later.

1. Sexual and Bladder Health

Sexual and Bladder Health issues go hand-in-hand no matter what. The major concerns are the sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, functional problems, such as urinary incontinence and sexual difficulties. Sexual problems are worsened by bladder problems that can be prevented from affecting you if you seek help from a professional doctor as soon as possible. Urinary incontinence has a variety of treatments that can boost your confidence and improve your sexual health. You can as well maintain an open communication with your partner regarding this.