How to Clean Shower Doors With WD40

Clean Shower Doors With WD40

Cleaning your shower doors may be a pain to some people. Especially, when they get the dreaded green algae on them from all the soap they use. If you want to keep it clean then there are certain ways you can do it. Most of the time it is the steam from the hot water that does the damage. There are certain products for this type of cleaning, but one of the best is using WD40.

Spray the white vinegar

Before doing anything you need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools. A spray bottle, a sponge, a brush and a bucket are the basic things that you will need. First of all you should spray the white vinegar on the shower doors with a sponge. Apply the mixture on the entire surface and let it sit for some time.

Scrub off the stubborn dirt

The next step would be to scrub off the stubborn dirt from the shower doors using the sponge. It is important to first clean the affected area and then move on to the other parts of the door. Continue in this manner until the whole door is covered with the WD-40.

Remove the white vinegar residue

The third step would be to remove the white vinegar residue. You can do this by using a soft cloth or a sponge. Then you can rinse it off with some warm water. The next step would be to spray the affected area with the insecticide. Do this spray liberally.

Dry it off with the help of the clothes

When everything is done you can dry it off with the help of the clothes. You may not want to wait for it to dry completely. This is because there are chances that the spores may have escaped to the air if the entire shower door was not cleaned properly. This will make your family susceptible to various allergies and respiratory problems. Hence it is necessary that you do the cleaning once again.

It is important to know how to clean shower doors with wd40 in case your door gets blocked at times. You can use an insecticide spray to clear away the grime. You should be aware that these sprays are harmful to children and pets.

If your bathroom door uses a special coating instead of baking soda, you can consider using a special cleanser to remove the stubborn grime. Using white vinegar is a better option than the normal baking soda. These two can dissolve the remains but not the white vinegar. It is important that you read the instructions carefully so that you know how to mix it with the correct amount of water. Then you need to spray it onto the affected areas in the same manner as you did when you were cleaning the other areas.

You have to wait until the baking soda and the vinegar are completely dissolved before you wipe off the shower door with this mixture. It is better if you use a sponge or cloth to avoid scratches on the door. Some people also use a mixture of warm water and mild soap scum remover. However, this should be avoided if possible. It is recommended that you should clean your doors using the regular soap and water and a mild cleaner. This way, you can ensure that there are no build-ups and damages on your shower doors.

When you are doing the scrubbing part, it is better to use a sponge or brush so that you can prevent scratching the surface of the door. It is also advisable to use a detergent that does not contain chlorine. Mild dish detergent is highly recommended for this purpose. While you are scrubbing the door, make sure that you do not rub too hard because it may damage the finish. Instead, use a little pressure so that you will be able to scrub away the stubborn soap scum. However, make sure that you do not scrape away the grout as well because it is vital to repair it later.

Once the scrubbing procedure is over, you can then apply the disinfectant. Make sure that you mix the white vinegar and baking soda thoroughly. After you are done with the first layer, you can then rinse the affected area with clean water. At this point, you have to leave the door in the water for a few minutes before opening it. This will ensure that the bleach will have time to work on the scum.

The next step would be to spray some hydrogen peroxide mixture onto the affected area. Make sure that you cover the whole area to ensure that no air can get through. Wearing a pair of rubber gloves would be an added advantage. Finally, wipe off the baking soda and the hydrogen peroxide using a clean microfiber cloth. When you are finished with all of the cleaning process, you can now replace the knob or the shower door stop with the original ones.