Adding an Extra Layer of Plywood Over Subfloor

Plywood Over Subfloor

If you’ve ever tried to install plywood over subflooring, you’ll know it can be a frustrating experience. Even with the most detailed plans and instructions, you still end up with a messy pile of uncut plywood on the floor. Often this is all that’s needed to complete your project. But other times you’ll need to add an extra layer of plywood over the subfloor. This can make a big difference in the finished floor. Here are some tips for installing a plywood layer over the subfloor.

First, you need to prepare your plywood to accept the additional material. If you’re dealing with an older home, especially one with wooden framing, you might need to sand the wood down a bit to prep it. If you’re using a more modern home with concrete or other materials that aren’t as durable, you may not need to do this. It depends on how much “give” the plywood has.

Second, mark where you will locate the extra cut piece. Be sure to use a level so the plywood doesn’t dip or droop while resting on the seafloor. Marking the location will help ensure you get the extra piece in the proper place.

Third, set up the saw. The process will go faster if you’re cutting lengths of plywood to use in your project than if you’re cutting cross pieces or square pieces. Use a straight edge and mark the positions of the cross board and extra layer of plywood. Draw a line to serve as a guide for cutting.

Fourth, lay down the plywood. Lay the plywood on the floor in the direction of the door. This will help it lie in the same direction as the joists. You can also do it by placing the plywood on your floor planks first. This helps keep it in place and even creates a solid base for your floor.

Fifth, apply glue to the top and bottom layers. Use a medium-density fiberboard. Make sure it is slightly thicker than the others. This will give you the best joint.

Sixth lay the first layer of plywood. Glue it to the floor in the same direction as the joists. Then make sure you have the right side facing up. Smooth out the bumps and burrs with a light sandpaper. This will provide a smooth surface to work with as you cut.

Using a hand-operated router, carefully start cuts along the top layer of plywood. Finish off by adding the second extra layer of plywood over the ground. Then finish it with the last layer of polyurethane.

These steps will ensure that your floor is completely even. The first step is to take measurements. You should do these for both the floor and the studs on the floor. You want everything to fit just right when you are installing. Also, this allows you to get an accurate cost estimate.

Now it’s time to prepare your plywood for an extra layer of insulation. Start by spraying the subfloor with an aerosol sprayer. Let the subfloor dry for about an hour before proceeding. It is a good idea to sand the subfloor after you spray it with the insulation. This will make it easier to clean later.

Now you can apply the extra layer of plywood to your subfloor. Start by sweeping it evenly. It is better if you sweep the extra insulation around in the same direction as you would with your regular plywood floor. Do not forget to sand the subfloor afterwards.

When your floor is ready, you can install your vapor barriers and caulk. If you are using vapor barriers, be sure to overlap them. Caulk should be put in all the spaces between the walls. Leave a space of at least one inch between each wall. This will help the caulk seal better.

These are the final steps for installing an extra layer of plywood over the subfloor. They are easy and do not take long to do. You might want to hire a professional to help you with this project. You can always learn from the professionals.