8 Reasons Your Small Business Needs A Mobile App

small business needs a mobile app

With nearly 77% of adult smartphone users saying they use their phones to find businesses nearby, and 90% using them to check reviews before visiting, it’s clear that having a mobile app can boost your business. But how do you know if you actually need one? To help you decide, here are 8 reasons why your small business needs a mobile app: 

The Importance of Being Mobile

It’s no longer a nice-to-have; it’s become a must-have. Consumers expect businesses to have an app, and they expect it to work flawlessly on any device they use. In fact, 69% of consumers said that if a business doesn’t have a mobile app they would be less likely to do business with them. That means your potential customers are turning away just because you don’t have a mobile app!

Whether you’re starting a new business or looking to revamp your existing one, mobile apps provide a number of advantages to businesses. If you want to remain competitive in today’s digital age, mobile apps should be part of your strategy from day one. 

We All Have Smartphones

We’re living in a world where everyone has a smartphone. You might think that smartphones are only used for making calls and sending texts, but you’d be wrong. The fact is that more and more people use their phones for reading news, surfing online and even paying bills. Make sure your small business doesn’t miss out on getting in on all of that mobile action. Here are eight reasons why you should consider mobile app development for your company.

One of the most common reasons people use their smartphones is to read news. Apps have enabled news organizations to distribute their content quickly and easily. Do you want your small business to be a part of that trend? If so, you’ll need to create an app that delivers useful information in a highly accessible format.

Affordability and Customization

Mobile apps are more affordable and customizable than they’ve ever been. No matter what your business is, there’s a mobile app development company that can create something great for you within your budget.

Easy Updates with No Additional Costs

Say you want to add a new feature or make some changes to your existing app—whether it’s a bug fix, additional functionality, or something entirely different. That process can take weeks (if not months) if you decide to hire someone else to do it for you, but with an in-house development team, your team can make updates whenever and as often as they like. In other words: no added costs and no long wait times.


Mobile apps make your business more exclusive. Mobile is one of, if not THE most popular online platform today. If you’re not in people’s pockets, they can find anything they want somewhere else. Put yourself out there and let your customers have an easy way to connect with you. Make sure that it’s super easy for them to find you so they can get ahold of you when they need something or have a question about your products or services.

Ease of Use and Convenience

Having a mobile app makes it easier for customers to access your business’s products and services. No longer do you have to rely on physical locations to generate revenue. This can be especially useful if you’re in an industry that is largely location-based, such as restaurants, taxi companies, or retail shops. Mobile apps also allow users to access your company’s products and services when they need them most – while on-the-go!

Branding Opportunities

In a world where everyone is on their phones, it’s more important than ever for your small business to have a mobile app. Smartphones make up 50% of consumer internet traffic. And, according to Mobile Marketer, by 2018 there will be 1.65 billion smartphone users globally—so don’t miss out on an opportunity to market your brand with a mobile app! Here are just 8 reasons why your small business needs a mobile app development company.

Trackable Return on Investment (ROI)

The ROI you’ll get from investing in a mobile app depends on how effectively it meets your goals. If you’re an established business with an existing web presence, then your return is likely to be substantial because you can drive more traffic and make more sales. However, if you’re just starting out or already have a well-established physical location, then it may not be worth investing in a mobile app since its functions could overlap with what you already offer.